
Quick & Reliable Appliance Installations

Quick & Reliable Appliance Installations

If you have a kitchen appliance that needs to be installed and hooked up to gas or water lines, the professionals at C&M Plumbing LLC can handle the job. In addition, if you need a Water Heater, Water Softener, or Water Filtration System installed, our expert plumbers can give you a quote or estimate free of charge. Call today at (918) 335-2832 to make an appointment. 

Water Heater — Bartlesville, OK  — C & M Plumbing

Water Heaters

When your water heater needs replaced or repaired, find out what our professional plumbers can do for you. Click here to learn about our water heater services or call us at (918) 335-2832 today. 

Water Softeners

Do you have Hard Water? Over 85% of American homes have hard water. If you do have hard water, you may want to install Water Softeners. The principle behind softening your water is known as ion exchange. This process removes a large portion of the mineral content by replacing it with sodium. The result is fresh, clean tasting water that is more pleasant to use and free of the inconveniences that characterize hard water. A water softening system does not require a great deal of maintenance from the homeowner, aside from replenishing the salt following the manufacturer’s recommendations. Call the experts at C&M Plumbing to install today. Call (918) 335-2832.

Here are a few telltale signs that you have hard water: 

  • Your soap does not lather
  • Itchy skin
  • Scale and calcium buildup

Water Filtration Systems

Everyone needs safe, reliable drinking water. Local water treatment facilities do an excellent job of providing an adequate water source for the city-wide water system. However, they don’t filter out the chemicals and other contaminants that may enter the water pipes between the treatment plant and your faucet. Water entering your home may have low levels of pesticides, lead, and metals. Well, water is especially susceptible to contamination since a water treatment plant does not treat it. Minerals in the water, which is called “hard-water,” can also be a concern. C&M Plumbing LLC and evaluate and install at the water filtration system in your home or business. Call today to schedule an appointment (918) 335-2832.

Traditional whole house water softeners remove calcium and magnesium ions from the water and replace those ions with potassium or sodium ion. This eliminates the possibility of scale build-up. Using a whole house water softener improves the water quality, which you’ll notice in the taste and clarity of your water. 

In addition to better water quality, there are other benefits of a whole home water softener: 

  • Healthier and softer skin
  • Shower stall without water spots
  • Save money on soaps and detergents
  • Spot-free dishes using less soap
  • Prolong the life of your water heater, appliances, and fixtures
  • Prolong the life of your entire plumbing system


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